How We Invest: The Empowerment Flywheel


Our overarching goal is to foster cycling-centric communities by providing them the tools and resources they need to thrive. We believe that investing in local communities will create a self-sustaining cycle of economic growth, enthusiasm, and inclusivity in the world of cycling.

The Flywheel Steps:

  1. Foundational Infrastructure
    Initiate the cycle by strategically investing in authentic community building blocks. We look for things that can be perpetual platforms which provide community ROI.
  2. Community Empowerment
    By removing the gatekeepers of these resources, individuals are enabled to participate in cycling in a way that speaks to them, thereby making the activity a cultural norm.
  3. Organic Growth/Cultural Relevance
    A community-led adoption of cycling naturally encourages more residents to participate, increasing sport-desire and strengthening the community and cultural bond around this shared activity.
  4. Movement Building
    The collective action of a community engaging in cycling transcends into a broader movement, capturing public attention and creating a cultural shift.
  5. Perception Change
    As the movement gains momentum, it challenges and alters preconceived notions about who cyclists are, breaking down barriers and stereotypes.
  6. Increased Investment
    The demonstrable success and community engagement make a compelling case for additional financial and resource investments, both from public and private sectors.
  7. Cycle Reinforcement
    Additional investment allows us to revisit step one, but with expanded resources, thereby fortifying and accelerating the flywheel.


By purposefully executing and spinning each step of this flywheel, we set in motion a powerful and self-reinforcing cycle that not only enriches individual lives but also reshapes entire communities. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, from local residents to potential investors and partners. Together, we're not just promoting cycling; we're fostering community, challenging stereotypes, and driving meaningful change.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is Grow Cycling just to help build inclusion for people of color or will you help other marginalized groups as well?

    Historically, people of color have been largely underserved in the outdoor industry, so we are starting there with the understanding that the same systems of power that exclude people of color, exclude other marginalized groups as well. Our ultimate goal is for the world of cycling to be representative of the world around us, full of all genders, colors, and backgrounds.

  • Are brands the only ones that can contribute or can individuals donate as well?

    Anyone can help us grow cycling! One main goal we had when creating the Grow Cycling Foundation was to make it easy for anyone to make a sustainable difference, from the smallest one-time donation, to the largest corporate partner.

  • If I can’t donate, how can I help?
    • Spread the word to your cycling friends and communities - tweet, repost, share or pin
    • Tell your employer about us and ask them to share the story and get involved
    • Commit to spending time educating yourself on inequalities of access to your sport or industry
    • Show empathy daily and be intentional about inviting new people into your cycling circles
    • Be empowered to speak up when you notice homogeneity in your companies or social circles. Ask why that might be and how you can open the doors to different groups of people
  • How does the pumptrack help people of color get into cycling?

    Everyone that has a career in the cycling industry probably started off by riding around for fun as a kid or maybe a bit later. The fun of it is what gets people interested and exposes them to various potential career paths surrounding their sport of choice.

    By building a Grow Cycling pumptrack in a diverse community that has never had access to cycling in this way gives them a safe space to explore and have fun on a bike, just like how we all started. We aim to inspire career paths and involve the local community by using this space for world-class events, community building, and programs that teach various cycling industry skills.

  • Who did your design work and copy?

    That would be Kate Jones and Hannah Peterson, respectively! This wouldn't have been possible without them. Check out Kate's site at Kate Jones Creates!

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    You can easily cancel you subscription in a few seconds by going to the Donate Page, scrolling to the bottom and expanding the "Manage Subscription" section. From here you can follow the instructions to cancel. If you have any questions PLEASE reach out to us at and we will be glad to help!

  • How do I add Grow Cycling Foundation to my company's Donor Matching Program?

    Findability on your corporate donor portal should be easy after that because most platforms have a search name/cause tab in which you can look for the “Grow Cycling Foundation”. We already have our cause set up on the Benevity platform and we are in the process of approval with YourCause.

    EIN# 85-1436997
    Grow Cycling Foundation Corporation

  • What is your EIN?

    EIN# 85-1436997
    Grow Cycling Foundation Corporation

  • How do I get in contact with Grow Cycling Foundation?

    We would love to hear from you! We are a small team of volunteers, but you can email and we will get back to you as quickly as we can!